Analyze Data with MongoDB and Ruby

This post gives a quick and very brief introduction on how to use MongoDB with Ruby. We will see how to install and connect to a MongoDB, how to populate the database with fake documents generated in just a couple of lines of code, and how to build some queries to gain insights into the stored documents. Prerequisites Let’s assume you already have Ruby installed. Throughout this post, we are going to create a small playground consisting of a few files....

November 22, 2016 · 7 min · Carsten Rösnick-Neugebauer

Dockerize a Ruby application

In this post, I describe my journey from knowing essentially nothing about Docker to having a dockerized Padrino application with each service living in a container (more on that below). To find this guide useful, you’d need to have Ruby installed, but no prior experience with Docker. We begin with the very basics: ensuring that Docker and docker-compose are installed, creating a minimal Docker setup, and generating a new toy Padrino application within its container....

November 12, 2016 · 10 min · Carsten Rösnick-Neugebauer